5.Case of Tornadoes in South Korea
Summary of paper
Since the atmosphere above our country is not unstable, we know tornadoes don’t usually occur.
However, during the past 5 years, we observed a tornado, despite of winter that has stable atmosphere state. The KMA(기상청) said the tornado is created on the area that warm air flowes, and also the cold air sink behind through the characteristics of waterspout occurred at inland area in Korea And this structures are same as the structure occurred the thunder storm,
In the result, the paper said the characteristics of tornado creating,
Locate at the point that waves temperature, and at the boundary between cold, dry-air mass and warm, wet-air mass
The height of saturated unstable layer is located above 700hPa, and cloud exists at the lowest layer to atmosphere.
LCL, CCL, LFC exists at same height or the difference is small.
Under layer: cold, and upper layer: warm, so this condition is good to become unstable.
And also it is potential instability.
referecne: 이승호, 이재병, 2015, 최근 5년간 우리나라에서 발생한 토네이도 사례 연구, 2015년 한국기상학회 가을학술대회 초록집
Tronado pictures in Korea